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PavaShot produces world-class quality 68 caliber round balls. These powder filled rounds are compatible with most existing .68 caliber launchers. We use a premium quality materials and irritants, delivering maximum performance in any scenario.

This projectile is designed for training operations.  Direct contact with the target will cause no harm and will leave a mark where contact was made.

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The "P2" round is the standard projectile for our

.68 caliber launcher. Upon impact, the irritant will rapidly disperse to incapacitate the attacker.

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The "P5" round is the most potent and powerful concentration of PAVA pepper powder. The round contains 2.5x the amount of PAVA chemical agent compared to our standard round.

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The "C2" round is an entry-level projectile, that yields higher potency than any PAVA chemical agent. 

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This is PavaShots's flagship projectile. It contains an active ingredient that reaches 16,000,000 on the Scoville scale.  

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For any Bulk orders or Reseller Inquiries contact for pricing

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